March 29, 2009


credit to: jubee

CHANKINFUNG.COM actually is a great place to search for and obtain various information about Sammul. This is a sitemap written by a mod in that forum. Hope this helps in some way. :)

苗留言 - Sammul's comments (this is a column where Sammul and Ivy leave their comments or msgs)

苗活動 - Sammul's Functions (this is a column for fans who attended functions to post their reports and photos for other fans to share... you may also find other informations.. such as times.. venues... etc etc in this column for any upcoming events...)

苗新聞 - Sammul's News (this is a column for any news articles... magazines... with Sammul in it...!)

苗花園 - Sammul's Garden (this is a column for general chatting... topics RELATED to Sammul...)

苗電台 - Sammul's Radio Channel (This is a column for any radio boardcasts with Sammul in it...)

苗水塘 - Sammul's Water Garden (This is a column for general chatting... topic NOT related to Sammul... so basically just ANYTHING you wanna chat about... clothes.. hair... shopping.. eating... etc etc...)

苗劇集(TVB) - A Column for Sammul's TVB Drama

苗劇集(內地) - A Column for Sammul's Drama in Mainland

苗綜藝 - A Column for Sammul's Variety Shows

苗電影及其他 - A Column for Sammul's Films... and any others

苗視頻 - A Column for Sammul's Videos... anything like.. interviews.. footages from filming.. etc etc...

苗珠台 Sammul's Pearl Channel - And of coz this is our english channel...!

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